Fibaro Türkiye

Smart Home and Office Systems

Türkçe - English - العربية

How does it work?

FIBARO wireless smart home/office automation is based on the Z-Wave protocol. Fibaro system is uses Home Center 2 as the main controller. Since it uses the z-wave topology, all devices communicated biderictionally which makes the system more reliable. Imagine that you left home and forgot to turn off the iron. Easily you can go to your mobile application touch the “IRON OFF” button and it will be off. Your home/office will be automatically being controlled by the Home Center 2 which is taking periodic feeds from sensors, GPS location, weather or any request from you.

Home Center 2 uses the internet to update the weather and the GPS information. Easily, cameras can be added to the Home Center 2 and be monitored from the internet You can expand anytime you like. The new device can be added easily and communication with other z-wave devices.

FIBARO system topology